Welcome to Clonmel Union of Parishes ( Church of Ireland, a province of the Anglican Communion ), parish, page..

Rector: Vacancy - Pastoral care contact The Dean of Cashel at thedeanofcashel@gmail.com


Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Website http://cashel.anglican.org/

Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook

Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook
Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook


What follows is Parish News..............

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Assessment –

The Church of Ireland is a self-governing Church within the Anglican
Communion and its clergy are supported financially & with housing by the parish in which they serve. Pastoral care, access to the Church’s sacraments, worship and Occasional Offices (Weddings, Funerals) is available to everybody who is Anglican, (Church of Ireland, Church of England etc) residing within the parish boundaries.
Funding for this comes from parishioners (you do not have to sign up, your eligibility comes soley from your residency in the parish)
Contribution to the Assessment is voluntary, but providing the Assessment to the diocese for the monthly stipend payments is obligatory.
You are invited to contribute, which may be in cash/cheque, direct debit or using our envelope scheme where you put a donation into your numbered envelope each week.

While a Thanks offering is usual for Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals and burial fees in our churchyards, the Assessment collection depends on goodwill & a desire to ensured continuance of the live ministry (clergy) in the parish.

Note: the parish newsletter is not paid for from parish funds, it is my way of keeping some sort of communication going in an impossibly large geographical area.

Label Cloud

5th Sunday Advent Advent Carol Service Anglican Ash Wednesday Baptism Bereavement Bible Study Bishop Michael Bishop's Poster Competition Bishops Appeal Bishops Palace Booking a Wedding Burial Butler/Charteris Hall Cahir Celebration Children Choir Christian Aid Christian Unity Christmas Christmas Fair Church Law Church Plate Church of Ireland Church of Ireland Youth Churchwardens Clonmel Clonmel Union of Parishes Coffee Morning Confirmation Diocesan Diocesan Council Diocesan Link Diocesan Magazine Diocesan Outreach project Diocesan Readers Diocese Donations Easter Environment Episcopalian Evening Prayer Family Worship Fete Fethard Flower Rota Fundraising General Easter Vestry Glebewarden Green Churches Green Flag Hall Restoration Fund Harvest Thanksgiving Heritage Holy Trinity Holy Week Inishlonaght Irelands Ancient East Junction Festival Kilkenny College Knocklofty Lent Lenten Observance Licensing Link Diocese List of Vestrymen Marlfield Matrimony Memorial Service Mortuary Chapels Mothering Sunday National School OPW Old St. Mary's Ordination Organ Marathon Palm Sunday Parish Parish Fundraiser Parish BBQ Parish Hall Parish Life Parish Records Parish treasurer Parishioners Parochial School Protestant Aid R.C.B. Radio Broadcast Readers Registers Remembrance Sunday Retirement Safeguarding Trust School School Board of Management Select Vestry Service Shrapnel Fund Singing Group South Tipperary South Tipperary General Hospital St Patrick's St Patrick's Cemetery St Patricks day St Paul's St Pauls St. Mary's Parochial Hall St. Patricks St. Paul's Sunday Life Tipp Fm Sunday School Sustentation Table Quizz Teenagers The Rector The Rectory Theatre Third World Tourist Office Town Hall Training Tullaghmeelan Volunteers Walled Town Day Wedding Planning Whist Drive Youth Officer assessment bbq charity concert envelope scheme funeral general synod marriage old st marys research synod teachers wedding world Day of Prayer worship www.clonmel.lismore.anglican.org