Welcome to Clonmel Union of Parishes ( Church of Ireland, a province of the Anglican Communion ), parish, page..

Rector: Vacancy - Pastoral care contact The Dean of Cashel at thedeanofcashel@gmail.com


Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Website http://cashel.anglican.org/

Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook

Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook
Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook


What follows is Parish News..............

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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Newletter - February 2019

First of all, my apologies to those who did not receive a newsletter last month. I, unfortunately, had a bug that laid me low for some time!
As we enter the 2nd month of the new year; it seems that time is passing faster than ever.

Please read your newsletter carefully and be aware that all may take part in our parish activities. Everybody is welcome!

Our plan is to be more active this year and going forward.
Like every parish, we need to fundraise and we need help with that. No matter what is planned; there is always a welcome and place for all who volunteer. And be aware that your contribution, no matter hoe small or big, is always appreciated.

My landline has been misbehaving for some time and, so far, all efforts have failed to put things right. I hope that that issue will be put right this week! Most of the time; my mobile phone is the best way to find me!

There is a meeting in the Rectory on Tuesday, 5th February 2018 @ 8pm to make plans for our events this year.

Some of the material in this newsletter is from the January edition for those who got “left behind” last month!


Sunday Life – This Christian programme on Tipp Fm is broadcast from  7 – 8am on Sunday mornings and is presented by clergy of South Tipperary.

Concerts – Clonmel Rugby Club concert was, as usual, held in a church filled to capacity. For some of us it was a very busy evening with too much going on, but, all the same, manageable!

Tullameelan – The evening of carol singing in Tullameelan church took place in a full church, by candlelight. It was magical with wonderful decorations and lovely music. Well done to those who organised the evening, to Dr David Butler & Liam Hunter for providing accompaniment for the singers.

Hospital/Nursing Home Plea – I am not automatically informed of the admittance of parishioners into nursing homes/ hospitals or care centres by staff. It is your responsibility to tell me when a family member has been admitted to any such facility. I receive a printout of “Protestant” patients when I visit the hospital in Clonmel. Those on the list have indicated their religion/faith when admitted. I usually visit the local hospital twice a week. I only visit nursing homes etc when I know a parishioner or somebody from another parish has been admitted. So, please, keep me informed!

Select Vestry – The next meeting will take place on,  Friday, 22nd March 2019 in Old St Mary's. In order to be elected a member of the Select Vestry; which has responsibility for the 3Fs (Finance, Fabric & Furnishings); you need to have contributed to the finances of the parish through collections, assessment or donation. These offerings must be identifiable through your name being “associated” with the “giving”. In other words it can be presented in an envelope wtih your name/number on it, by cheque or direct debit. Speak to the Rector or Treasurer about it.

Whist Drives – Friday, 8th February 2019 in the Sisters of Charity Hall, Mary Street, Clonmel @ 8.00pm. All are welcome regardless of proficiency. Donations of prizes and help with the supper also welcome – please talk to Bob or Bernard.

Refreshments – We have tea/coffee and some biscuits/buns after church in Clonmel most Sundays. We also have refreshments after special Services. The goodies traditionally come from parishioners. Your contribution will always be gratefully received.





10th Feb



17th Feb


Worship in other church
24th Feb

Service of the word

Worship in other church
3rd  March


Worship in other church
10th March



17th March


Worship in other church
24th March

Service of the Word

Worship in other church
31st March
8.30am – Holy Communion in Old St Marys
11.00am Parish Eucharist in St Patrick's Church, Inishlounaght (Marlfield)

Safeguarding Trust – There are policies required for all aspects of this. Every aspect of Church life is covered! The one regarding photography is that none of us may take a photograph of a minor (under 18yrs) without the permission of a parent/guardian. The publication of photographs is covered under Data Protection. Yes, the world has changed and we must also change!! It’s not something dreamed up by “the Church” or any other organisation; it is for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults and seeks to ensure the safety of all!! In the coming weeks and months there will be further information.

Bio-Diversity – This project is ongoing and we welcome plants & bulbs to fill the  beds. The rose bed is progressing really well.

Thank – You” – To our Churchwardens who ensured that our churches were fit for worship during 2018. To our organists Pierce & David, to those who read at worship, to those who lead singing, to those who clean our churches and provide lovely flower arrangements to brighten our view forward, to those who give of time, energy, wisdom and support to ministry within our parish without any expectation of praise!

Ministry – The Church of Ireland, over the years, has promoted the belief that ministry is the work of all believers. We all bring something to worship, praise, pastoral needs and support. We are all called to serve the Lord and there are many ways in which lay people can be active and contribute. Reading in church, singing along with everybody else, sitting on committees, doing very practical things that perhaps they do not regard as “ministry.
And some are called by God to the ministries of Bishop, Priest or Deacon. This is, perhaps, the most difficult to get one’s head around, to actually do something about it; like having a chat with the Rector (if it is there, it will not go away!)
As the Diocesan Warden of Readers, I am always on the look-out for potential Lay Readers! The course can be challenging, take up quite a lot of time but is very rewarding in many ways. The reality is we, at this time, need to recruit!
There is also, the new OLM; which is for those who have a calling to ordination but for all sorts of reasons feel that ordination to the fulltime ministry is not for them.

Ordained Local Ministry is for those who will serve in their own parishes. Serving your own family, friends, work colleagues is challenging; but it does work.  I served my own former fellow parishioners at the beginning of my ministry. I remain astounded that those who were my fellow parishioners one minute became my parishioners as result of my being ordained and it worked.
This will possibly affect the supply of lay readers; but it is intended that somebody in this ministry will only serve in their own parishes with no prospect of being moved/moving around the parishes outside their own one!!

The Junction Festival- Will take place in early March and there will be concerts in Old St Mary on three days:8th, 9th & 10th  March 2019.

Singing Group – This is a group of parishioners who love to sing and lead the singing in Old St Mary's. They meet once or twice a month to choose hymns for worship and learn new hymns; to the extend that the range of hymns sung in this church has increased;  from  a very small repertoire to a very wide and varied one today. This group is not exclusive to Old St Mary's! All are welcome. We meet at 8.00pm and finish at 9.00pm sharp!
Our next evening is Friday, 15th February 2019 @ 8.00pm. There is no need to bring anything other than yourself!

Passion Play – Our diocesan communications Officer, Margaret Hawkins, is always dreaming up new ways of expressing our faith and sharing it with the world. The latest enterprise is a Passion Play. So, having volunteered, I am under orders not to cut or restyle my hair until after the filming on 17th February. The men may not shave!!
Filming will take place in Wexford and a date for it's presentation will be published later. Margaret is one of those energetic people with many talents! She has sung her report to Diocesan Synod. I should have two spare seats in my car on 17th. So if you would like to be part of the crowd, just let me know asap and let the hair grow!!!

Tax Relief Forms – If you donated a sum in excess of €250 in 2018 to parish finances and that donation was given in a way that identified you as the donor (this is where the envelope system helps) and pay tax on your earnings you are eligible to fill out one of the forms designed for this purpose and benefit your parish finances in the government initiative that benefits charitable bodies. We are a charity in our own right and are compliant with all that that entails. We relie on this scheme in our striving to meet our assessment. This year we are expected to raise €58,000 toward diocesan expenses (apart from heat, light and repairs etc); especially in the area of maintaining ministry in our parish! When you fill out one of these forms you benefit the parish's financial circumstances. Those of you who subscribed in 2018 in a way in which your donations were identifiable will receive receipts to that effect and, if your giving was over €250, a form will be attached. The other condition with this is that you have paid income tax.

Progress   -     For those of you who know about the former orchard at St Canice's Cathedral in Kilkenny and the efforts, over many years, to transform it into a carpark for the cathedral; there is good news! Permission has been granted for approximately 26 parking spaces. They will only be available for those attending worship or special events in the cathedral. Also, the areas where there fruit trees are to be restored as they were long ago!

Cleaning & Flowers in Old St Marys – If you have forgotten when your turn is; please refer to the list in the porch!
And a big”Thank-you” to those who help us to care for and beautify our church in Clonmel. Parishioners in our other churches might consider doing similar. When we have Easter, Christmas or Harvest we decorate our churches. This is usually done by a very small group. We all expect it to happen; but we all need to contribute and help out!! And that extends to the refreshments we all love to share!

Sunday, 24th March – Bishop Michael will celebrate the Eucharist in St Paul's, Cahir at 9.30am and in Old St Mary's, Clonmel at 11.00am.

Label Cloud

5th Sunday Advent Advent Carol Service Anglican Ash Wednesday assessment Baptism bbq Bereavement Bible Study Bishop Michael Bishop's Poster Competition Bishops Appeal Bishops Palace Booking a Wedding Burial Butler/Charteris Hall Cahir Celebration charity Children Choir Christian Aid Christian Unity Christmas Christmas Fair Church Law Church of Ireland Church of Ireland Youth Church Plate Churchwardens Clonmel Clonmel Union of Parishes Coffee Morning concert Confirmation Diocesan Diocesan Council Diocesan Link Diocesan Magazine Diocesan Outreach project Diocesan Readers Diocese Donations Easter envelope scheme Environment Episcopalian Evening Prayer Family Worship Fete Fethard Flower Rota Fundraising funeral General Easter Vestry general synod Glebewarden Green Churches Green Flag Hall Restoration Fund Harvest Thanksgiving Heritage Holy Trinity Holy Week Inishlonaght Irelands Ancient East Junction Festival Kilkenny College Knocklofty Lent Lenten Observance Licensing Link Diocese List of Vestrymen Marlfield marriage Matrimony Memorial Service Mortuary Chapels Mothering Sunday National School old st marys Old St. Mary's OPW Ordination Organ Marathon Palm Sunday Parish Parish Fundraiser Parish BBQ Parish Hall Parish Life Parish Records Parish treasurer Parishioners Parochial School Protestant Aid R.C.B. Radio Broadcast Readers Registers Remembrance Sunday research Retirement Safeguarding Trust School School Board of Management Select Vestry Service Shrapnel Fund Singing Group South Tipperary South Tipperary General Hospital St Patrick's St Patrick's Cemetery St Patricks day St Paul's St Pauls St. Mary's Parochial Hall St. Patricks St. Paul's Sunday Life Tipp Fm Sunday School Sustentation synod Table Quizz teachers Teenagers The Rector The Rectory Theatre Third World Tourist Office Town Hall Training Tullaghmeelan Volunteers Walled Town Day wedding Wedding Planning Whist Drive world Day of Prayer worship www.clonmel.lismore.anglican.org Youth Officer