Welcome to Clonmel Union of Parishes ( Church of Ireland, a province of the Anglican Communion ), parish, page..

Rector: Vacancy - Pastoral care contact The Dean of Cashel at thedeanofcashel@gmail.com


Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Website http://cashel.anglican.org/

Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook

Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook
Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook


What follows is Parish News..............

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Monday, July 4, 2016

Parish Newsletter July 2016 – September 2016

Summer Concerts Clonmel Union of Parishes

10th October - Concert in aid of Day Care Centre, Cahir in St Paul's, Cahir
6th July – Iarla O Lioaird & Steve Cooney – Ols St Marys : 8.00pm
7th July - “The Unthanks” - Old St Marys @ 9.00pm
8th July -  Show in Old St Marys @ 9.00pm
8th July - “Passion of Joan of Arc” (film) – Old St Marys  @ 11.00pm
9th July -   Lisa Hannigan in Concdert @ 9.00pm
10th July - “The Henry Girls” @ 2pm
3rd August – The Koln Philharmonia will play in old St Mary's.
27th August – RIAM Harpists Concert in Holy Trinity, Fethard from 6-10pm

Garda VettingLike many other compliance entities, this has now gone electronic! Our “Service Agreement” with the RCB is now completed and I can invite potential member of the Safeguarding Trust panel and other youth activities to apply for Garda Vetting!. Church House is now the body that liaises with the Gardai and we do the recruiting, make the initial decision as to who works with young people and ensure that the application forms are completed correctly. The forms then go to the RCB and the forms will be sent by them for Gardai for processing. It's all part of a more rigorous application of child protection.

Rotas We have rotas for flowers and cleaning in Old St Mary's. There are a few gaps – volunteers, please! Please remember that cleaning includes the church (including the vestry) and one brass plaque per week. It is assumed that cleaning is done particularly in preparation for Sunday worship. There are bins in the “kitchen” in Old St Mary's. Dead flowers should be put in the bin and vases washed. Branches and foliage may be put in the red tub.
Please do not forget to clean, at least one wall plaque per month!

Harvest Thanksgivings 2016
Sunday, 18th September – Tullaghmeelan @ 3.30pm
Sunday, 18th September – Holy Trinity, Fethard @ 7.30pm
Sunday, 25th September – St Paul's, Cahir @ 7.30pm
Friday, 30 September – Old St Mary's, Clonmel @7.30pm

Envelope SchemeThis has a double effect – you fill an envelope every week;   
whether in church or not – the amount is recorded and you will receive a receipt early in the following year. You have a choice as to where your donation goes – Weekly collection which funds the day-to-day running of our parish with its five churches (heat, light and maintenance) and/or the Assessment. You indicate where your contributions are to go.
At the end of the year, if you have subscribed more than €250 and are an income tax payer, you will be offered the opportunity to further maximise your giving by filling our a tax relief form and benefitting your parish to a further €40 per €100 donated. This is a government scheme designed to benefit charitable organisations; which we are.  Forty households already give in this way and it has made quite a substantial difference to parish finances – Thank-you!
You should know that if you visit another church and put your envelope for that Sunday on the visited church's plate, it will be creditted to that parish.

Holy MatrimonySarah Ryan, Fethard & Steve Mascrod, Australia were married   in Holy Trinity Church, Fethard on 30th June 2016.The Rector was assisted by Fr Denis O'Connor, Castleknock, Dublin and Canon Fr Tom breen, Fethard. Steve is descended from the Langley family of Fethard and his great, great, great grandmother in buried under the slab behind the organ in the church. The couple plan to live in London. We wish them health, happiness and a long life together!

Bereavement We sympathise with the Outram family on the death of Cliff, after 
an illness.  He was cremated at the Island, Cork. May he rest in peace.
We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Sam Taylor who died in a farming accident. He was a native of Newcastle, UK. His remains will be repatriated to the UK in the coming week.. A short service was conducted by the Rector in Donoughoe's Funeral Home on Friday evening.

Fundraising Meeting – In the Rectory on Tuesday, 5th July @ 8.00pm – we need to do this, be there!

Birthday CelebrationBishop Michael celebrated the Eucharist in Marlfield on Sunday, 29th May 2016. After worship, we have Birthday cake, tea & coffee to celebrate Jessie Simpson's 90th Birthday!

Baptisms & WeddingsThere are a number of these booked for the coming 
months and, indeed for next year. You should speak to me & the Civil Registrar as early as possible for weddings. We live in a multicultural world and sometimes couples are required to complete rather more travel & paperwork than usual. There is a growing custom of booking the reception venue before booking the venue for the ceremony! Please, do not do it! There are couples who have come a cropper!

Singing Group – This group will meet on 15th & 29th July & 12th & 19th August 2016 in Old St Mary's @ 8.00pm –  new members always welcome – we are learning new hymns; especially from “Thanks & Praise”.

Schools' ServiceWhat a wonderful day! Over 300 children from our area of the diocese, with teachers and helpers took part in our Diocesan Schools' Festival Service. There was drama, poetry, readings, lots of singing & an amazing “sermon” by Michael O'Meara, Diocesan Reader. It was followed by lunch and, then activites, games and the icecream van! Thank-you to Miss Wallace, Mrs Brennan, Joan, the parents and everybody who helped!

Funky Kids The pupils of the Parochial School put on this show of dance and song. It was amazing; with some adults providing support. We have some really talented youngsters who loved every minute of it. Well done!

Funday at FethardThis took place on 12th June and was a huge success; in spite
of the rain and wind. The exhibition in the Tholsel of  fashion from waste was amazing. Thank-you to the parishioners who provided refreshments.

Belle VociThis lovely choir had their end of season concert in Old St Mary's on  
27th May 2016.

Commemoration The Rector took part in the parade and unveiling of a memorial plaque to those who were mobilised in Easter Week 1916. They did not see service, but their training stood them well afew years later. The Nieces and nephew of two of the 40 laid a wreath during the ceremony in Emmet Place.

Course in Christian StudiesThis is our diocesan course in christian studies; 
which is used to train people for lay ministry. It is also used for those who wish to further their understanding of their faith and to learn more baout it. There is a 3rd reason why people might sign -up – those who have been thinking about the ordained ministry of the Church. It is a good way to explore one's belief and, perhaps, a call to ministry. We have one prospective candidate for the course at the moment and, if there is anybody else who may wish to enquire further regarding the course; speak to me.

Parochial HallThe ceiling project has become a more specialist job and, so will cost quite a bit more than anticipated. There are few contractors who can do this job in Ireland anymore. So, it will take a while to raise the extra cost.

Quinquennial InspectionsWe are catching up with these 5 yearly inspection of parish property. Some are taking a little longer than usualwhere the architect is visiting for the 1st time. Our turn will come in the coming months.

Green FlagThe 4th flag, for travel, was raised before the school year ended. We now move on to number 5!

Sunday Life -This is an hour-long programme on TippFm which is broadcast 
from 7- 8am on Sunday mornings. It usually comprises music, reading and interviews. We keep it light as most of our listeners have just woken up!

Your Prayers Please remember those who are unwell, at home & in hospital. At this time we need to pray, especially, for peace. The terrorist must not paralyse us into fear and  inaction. It is through the example of those who show the love for each other, no matter who they are, what they have done or what, particularly, they have done to us, that ultimately will bring to all of us a beter, calmer and more peaceful life.

Whist Drives  - New season begins on Friday, 9th September @ 8.00pm sharp – so 
 hone you whisting skills during the coming weeks!

The Regulatory AuthorityWe have added one charitable trust to the Church of Ireland block registration (on the advise of the Authority) and I will be required to attach the accounts for that charity to our parish accounts when they are submitted to the diocese – these accounts will not be an actual part of our parish accounts! Yes, it's all rules, regulations, compliance and accountability!

Greeting CardsGreeting cards with pictures of all our 5 churches are available in  
 each church at €2 each. The inside is blank to facilitate personal greetings.

BBQ This annual event will take place on Sunday, 3rd July 2016  at the Rectory. 
€15 per adult; children free. Please bring a contribution towards salads & dessert.  This year, we are supporting “C-Saw”; which is a new initiative in William Street, Clonmel that seeks to help those who are experiencing mental health issues. Part of the proceeds of the BBQ will go to parish funds.

Ireland’s Ancient East Orientation Signage Mrs H Carter has volunteered to have her mobile number put on display on our noticeboard at St Paul's so that visitors can have access to St Paul's.
While Clonmel and Fethard are not included in this initiative; might there be parishioners in both these place who would be willing to have their names on the parish noticeboards to provide such a facility?

Web:          www.clonmel.lismore.anglican.org
twitter: @ClonmelUnionCoI

Label Cloud

5th Sunday Advent Advent Carol Service Anglican Ash Wednesday Baptism Bereavement Bible Study Bishop Michael Bishop's Poster Competition Bishops Appeal Bishops Palace Booking a Wedding Burial Butler/Charteris Hall Cahir Celebration Children Choir Christian Aid Christian Unity Christmas Christmas Fair Church Law Church Plate Church of Ireland Church of Ireland Youth Churchwardens Clonmel Clonmel Union of Parishes Coffee Morning Confirmation Diocesan Diocesan Council Diocesan Link Diocesan Magazine Diocesan Outreach project Diocesan Readers Diocese Donations Easter Environment Episcopalian Evening Prayer Family Worship Fete Fethard Flower Rota Fundraising General Easter Vestry Glebewarden Green Churches Green Flag Hall Restoration Fund Harvest Thanksgiving Heritage Holy Trinity Holy Week Inishlonaght Irelands Ancient East Junction Festival Kilkenny College Knocklofty Lent Lenten Observance Licensing Link Diocese List of Vestrymen Marlfield Matrimony Memorial Service Mortuary Chapels Mothering Sunday National School OPW Old St. Mary's Ordination Organ Marathon Palm Sunday Parish Parish Fundraiser Parish BBQ Parish Hall Parish Life Parish Records Parish treasurer Parishioners Parochial School Protestant Aid R.C.B. Radio Broadcast Readers Registers Remembrance Sunday Retirement Safeguarding Trust School School Board of Management Select Vestry Service Shrapnel Fund Singing Group South Tipperary South Tipperary General Hospital St Patrick's St Patrick's Cemetery St Patricks day St Paul's St Pauls St. Mary's Parochial Hall St. Patricks St. Paul's Sunday Life Tipp Fm Sunday School Sustentation Table Quizz Teenagers The Rector The Rectory Theatre Third World Tourist Office Town Hall Training Tullaghmeelan Volunteers Walled Town Day Wedding Planning Whist Drive Youth Officer assessment bbq charity concert envelope scheme funeral general synod marriage old st marys research synod teachers wedding world Day of Prayer worship www.clonmel.lismore.anglican.org