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Rector: Vacancy - Pastoral care contact The Dean of Cashel at thedeanofcashel@gmail.com


Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Website http://cashel.anglican.org/

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Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook
Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook


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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Parish Newsletter May 2016 – June 2016

Parish Newsletter May 2016 – June 2016
Rector: Rev Canon Barbara Y Fryday
Keeping our Churches Open -We really do need to keep our churches open during the week. We, like every other owner of an important site should be in a position to share our churches to those who come to visit in our area. We do have a limited accessibility in having Fas or Tus participants on site, at least, for some mornings per week. Unfortunately, in Clonmel, our Fas participants are finished at about 11.30am; a bit early for most on holiday! In Cahir & Fethard, the hours are also limited. To be successful in attracting people, it is important that opening hours are regular and correspond to the hours cited on notice boards. I tried, last year, to be in Old St Mary's for about two hours a few times during the week and it became obvious that there is a need. Apart from people seeing the interior of our buildings, there are those who would like to just go in and say a prayer or spend some time “out of the world”. But regular opening hours are the key to being truly welcoming to all. Activity such as this would discourage the inappropriate behaviour evident in, at least, one of our churchyards. When the repair of the Haha and the installation of the steps that will give access to the church happens (hopefully in the coming months), it will be even more important that we have St Paul's open. It's a shame that those who come into the grounds of Holy Trinity pass closed doors. Our insurance company has no issue with our opening our doors. They do not stipulate that we need to have somebody “on duty” within the building at all times. The practice throughout the world is that moveable objects are locked away during opening hours; other than those items which are of religious importance for private devotion. Some of the issues around this matter is our lack of confidence in our building being used with respect. No matter how hard one tries, there are always those who have no respect for others' property and appear to get some satisfaction from being destructive. To be a real parish, we all need to be open to others & to join with each other for the occasional central worship. One other point is that buildings need people in them. That is what they are built for! Open doors are like open arms! Barbara
Envelope SchemeThis has a double effect – you fill an envelope every week; whether in church or not – the amount is recorded and you will receive a receipt early in the following year. You have a choice as to where your donation goes – Weekly collection which funds the day-to-day running of our parish with its five churches (heat, light and maintenance) and/or the Assessment. You indicate where your contributions are to go. At the end of the year, if you have subscribed more than €250 and are an income tax payer, you will be offered the opportunity to further maximise your giving by filling our a tax relief form and benefiting your parish to a further €40 per €100 donated. This is a government scheme designed to benefit charitable organisations; which we are. Forty households already give in this way and it has made quite a substantial difference to parish finances – Thank-you! You should know that if you visit another church and put your envelope for that Sunday on the visited church's plate, it will be credited to that parish! 
Banna Chluain Meala were joined by the Morris Knolls School Wind Ensemble for their concert in Old St Mary's on 2nd April 2016. The visiting ensemble came from the USA and are a High School band. The attendance was very good and the evening most enjoyable.
Concert (Harpists) -Holy Trinity Church, Fethard @ 8pm on Thursday 26th May 2016
Belle Voce Choir will sing in Old St Marys @ 8pm on Friday, 27th May 2016
The Koln Philharmonia will play in old St Mary's on Wednesday, 3rd August. This is an international association made up of musicians who excel in their own field. Small groups travel the world delighting audiences with their performances; in which unusual combinations of instruments are played. 
Rotas We have rotas for flowers and cleaning in Old St Mary's. There are a few gaps – volunteers, please! Please remember that cleaning includes the church (including the vestry) and one brass plaque per week. It is assumed that cleaning is done particularly in preparation for Sunday worship. There are bins in the “kitchen” in Old St Mary's. Dead flowers should be put in the bin and vases washed. Branches and foliage may be put in the red tub. Please do not forget to clean, at least one wall plaque per month! 
Sunday Life -This is an hour-long programme on TippFm which is broadcast from 7- 8am on Sunday mornings. It usually comprises music, reading and interviews. We keep it light as most of our listeners have just woken up! 
Quinquennial Inspections – This is the 5-yearly inspection of all property in the parish by the Diocesan Architect. The diocese pays for the inspection of the Rectory and the parish pays for churches & halls. We will have such an inspection this year and can expect a bill for €2,000 approx! 
Your Prayers Please remember those who are unwell, at home & in hospital. At this time we need to pray, especially, for peace. The terrorist must not paralyse us into fear and inaction. It is through the example of those who show the love for each other, no matter who they are, what they have done or what, particularly, they have done to us, that ultimately will bring to all of us a better, calmer and more peaceful life. 
Whist Drives - Thank-you to those who supported our whist drives during the past season. It was good to see some new faces and we hope others will join us in the next season.
Greeting Cards – Greeting cards with pictures of all our 5 churches are available in each church at €2 each. The inside is blank to facilitate personal greetings. 
Training The Rector attended a training Day on “Elderly Abuse” at St Luke's Home, Cork. It was presented in Power point and, I have to say, some of the scenes shown were horrifying. So many things that were once acceptable are no longer and never should have been. We all need to know what is acceptable and what is not. 
BBQ This annual event will take place on Sunday, at the Rectory. €15 per adult; children free. Please bring a contribution towards salads & dessert. 
Ireland’s Ancient East Orientation Signage Signs are to be erected in areas of the country where there are places of particular interest. We have been invited for St Paul's, Cahir to be included. But it would involve a keyholder who is willing to open the church at times when there is no Tus participant or parishioner present. Somebody in the Cahir area might like to volunteer – it is envisaged that tourists would not have to book far in advance of their proposed visit. 
On 29th May, the Bishop will celebrate in St Patrick's Church, Marlfield
Holy BaptismCaleb Fenimore Buchwald was Baptised by the Rector on Easter Sunday in Old St Mary's in the presence of and with the support of his family. Caleb made his own promises and we pray the he may grow in the love of his Lord. 
Confirmation Bishop Michael confirmed Gideon Ysaie Buchwald & Stewart Robert Luke in St Carthage's Cathedral, Lismore on Sunday, 3rd April 2016. Twelve other candidates were also confirmed. It was good to see parishioners present to support the candidates.
Singing Group – This group will meet on Friday 6th & 20th May 2016 and Friday, 10th June 2016 in Old St Mary's @ 8.00pm – new members always welcome – we are learning new hymns; especially from “Thanks & Praise”.
Schools ServiceThe annual Service for the six primary schools in our part of the diocese takes place in Old St Mary's on Friday, 10th June @ 11.00am. Contributions towards refreshments for the 300 children, will be most welcome. The Service will be followed by refreshments at the Parochial school. All are welcome to attend. 
Congratulations To Samantha, Connor, Mathilda & Paige Mulroy on the safe arrival of Fred Isaac! 
A Plea If your loved one has been hospitalised, please tell me! I have recently visited in STGH and found a parishioner on a trolley, but not on my list and traveled some distance to visit somebody else without knowing that another parishioner was in another ward. If you do not want me to visit, that's ok, but I do need to know! Hospital chaplains may not inform Rectors of the presence of their parishioners in hospital anymore because of the Freedom of Information Act! 
Parochial HallWe await tenders for the repair of the ceiling; which will be followed by us working as a parish to redecorate and do such superficial works that will bring the building into use again. It is our intention, with the approval of the heritage architect to redecorate ourselves – volunteers, welcome! 
Receipts If you made any donation to parish/Church funds during 2015, you should have received your receipt and a tax relief form. If you made a contribution through our envelope scheme or through any other way in which you could be identified and did not receive a receipt, please contact me. It is important that giving is acknowledged. If the sum credited to you is incorrect, please contact me and we will look into it. For those who have contributed sums of €250 or more, I enclosed an annual charity tax relief form, which needs to be returned to either the Treasurer or myself. If you wish to commit to continuing this giving for up to three years, please ask for the appropriate form. Thank-you to those who have returned completed forms. They have been sent to the diocesan Treasurer for processing.
General Easter Vestry The General Easter Vestry took place in Old St Mary's on 31st March 2016. The attendance was smaller than usual. There are a few places remaining on the Select Vestry. If you would like to be co-opeded, please speak to me.

Supplement to Our Hymnbook The Cds have not yet arrived; which is a something of a disappointment. 
Transition Year Visit Members of the Transition Year of the High School and the Presentation Convent visited Old St Marys on 13th April. 
Board of Management TrainingMembers of the Boards of Management of your Primary School undergo training over a number of evenings. The 1st evening in the series took place in Kilkenny during April. 
Special Diocesan Synod This took place to decide whether the new financial scheme for our Diocese would be accepted or not. The proposal was that every parish would pay 3/4 of the cost of ministry to the diocese (€45,000) + a sum based on parish census returns. We fall into the category of “small parish”. Our Assessment will remain about the same as what it has been. The motion was passed and comes into force next year. 
Copyright The Rector attended a training day in Church House, Dublin recently. We have had a licence to print or present hymns on a screen for some years. Everybody should realise that only those hymns/songs on our licence may be reproduced. As it stand, CDs may only be played as part of worship. And there is a host of other stuff. Think of it this way, if you have published songs, books, articles etc you are entitled to a fee every time your work is presented in public and so it applies to everybody else.

Label Cloud

5th Sunday Advent Advent Carol Service Anglican Ash Wednesday Baptism Bereavement Bible Study Bishop Michael Bishop's Poster Competition Bishops Appeal Bishops Palace Booking a Wedding Burial Butler/Charteris Hall Cahir Celebration Children Choir Christian Aid Christian Unity Christmas Christmas Fair Church Law Church Plate Church of Ireland Church of Ireland Youth Churchwardens Clonmel Clonmel Union of Parishes Coffee Morning Confirmation Diocesan Diocesan Council Diocesan Link Diocesan Magazine Diocesan Outreach project Diocesan Readers Diocese Donations Easter Environment Episcopalian Evening Prayer Family Worship Fete Fethard Flower Rota Fundraising General Easter Vestry Glebewarden Green Churches Green Flag Hall Restoration Fund Harvest Thanksgiving Heritage Holy Trinity Holy Week Inishlonaght Irelands Ancient East Junction Festival Kilkenny College Knocklofty Lent Lenten Observance Licensing Link Diocese List of Vestrymen Marlfield Matrimony Memorial Service Mortuary Chapels Mothering Sunday National School OPW Old St. Mary's Ordination Organ Marathon Palm Sunday Parish Parish Fundraiser Parish BBQ Parish Hall Parish Life Parish Records Parish treasurer Parishioners Parochial School Protestant Aid R.C.B. Radio Broadcast Readers Registers Remembrance Sunday Retirement Safeguarding Trust School School Board of Management Select Vestry Service Shrapnel Fund Singing Group South Tipperary South Tipperary General Hospital St Patrick's St Patrick's Cemetery St Patricks day St Paul's St Pauls St. Mary's Parochial Hall St. Patricks St. Paul's Sunday Life Tipp Fm Sunday School Sustentation Table Quizz Teenagers The Rector The Rectory Theatre Third World Tourist Office Town Hall Training Tullaghmeelan Volunteers Walled Town Day Wedding Planning Whist Drive Youth Officer assessment bbq charity concert envelope scheme funeral general synod marriage old st marys research synod teachers wedding world Day of Prayer worship www.clonmel.lismore.anglican.org