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Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Website http://cashel.anglican.org/

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Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook
Sunday Service details can be found on @clonmelunion on Facebook


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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Swine Flu - Message From the Bishop

1. At the moment I do not see a need to withdraw the common cup as a matter of policy. It is up to people to decline politely and quietly to drink from it, not for us to refuse to offer it. If they do choose not to drink, that should be respected- communion in one kind only has always been considered when necessary to be complete.  What should be avoided is people dipping the host in the chalice rather than drinking from it - this is extremely unhygenic as their fingers will very probably make contact with the wine. On those fairly rare occasions when communion by intinction continues to be practised (eg one to one with the sick) it is the celebrant who mixes the elements with the greatest possible care to use clean hands.
3. After the Peace, however, there is a particular onus on the clergy to have clean hands (as well as a pure heart) before they handle the bread. The ancient tradition of the priest's handwashing is now proving to have a more practical use. Where - as in most cases - actual thorough handwashing in the sanctuary cannot be done, there is a great deal to be said for the use of antiseptic wipes before the thanksgiving and distrbution on the part of the Eucharistic presider and the assistants. The visible provision of supplies of such wipes in the porches etc of churches could also have much practical value - provided they are used properly! – this will be introduced immediately.
 4. People who feel they have flu like symptoms should stay at home rather than struggle to church. The same applies to the clergy - a supposedly heroic but sick priest struggling on at the altar is the last thing that congregations need at the moment. if you need sick leave take it - and the diocese will just have to do its best to cover the gaps
 5. We will plastic bag lined bins for the hygienic disposal of tissues and wipes.
 6. Hands should be very clean particularly before babies are handled at baptism wipes will be supplied
 7. It is unwise to visit people who are housebound with flu - contact by phone is the best option. When visiting places such as nursing homes where residents are at high risk, please follow the advice of professional staff and accept that there may be occasions when, despite all your pastoral instincts, it is best to stay away for a few days.
 8. If down the road further advice is needed about a more dramatic reponse (eg cancelling events or if schools are to be closed) that advice will of course be given. For the moment, as in so many areas, sanctified common sense is what is called for - bearing in mind that there are many unexpected dangers out there to our frail flesh as well as this one. O God who knowest us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright.. (Abp Thomas Cranmer)

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